after months and months of brainstorming and rejecting idea after idea, i have finally revamped the blog. as you can see, it is much prettier and from now on will be much more fun and frequent! i have some great ideas that i'm excited to share via blog, but here's a simple explanation.
i'll be doing something fun and new every month. sometimes they'll be personal challenges, sometimes they'll be silly things i just want to write about. since today is the first day of a new month, i'll be blogging everyday from now on! this first month will be fun/random factoids about me: some you'll know, some you won't. here we go!
a few years ago while taking photos outside of the sixth floor museum (the JFK assassination museum in downtown Dallas) i witnessed something strange. a woman was being video taped walking slowly, talking to the camera, and gradually stripping off all of her clothes. in the middle of downtown Dallas in broad daylight. once she got completely naked, a mini van quickly picked her up and sped off.
seeing as this was one of the weirdest things i've ever witnessed, i told my friends about it after returning home to Austin. a few days later, my friend Blake called to let me know i was internet-style famous. that's right folks, i am featured in an erykah badu music video.
as news revealed later, ms. badu was filming a music video that day in downtown Dallas which later got her into a heap of legal trouble. she was fined by the city for disorderly conduct. the video got all kinds of media because of the legality issues, which means i'm a true star.
you can see me behind her taking photos at the 2:48 mark (no worries, she's still fully clothed when you see me) in a tan sweater and blue shirt. thanks erykah for fulfilling my 15 minutes of fame!
love love love,
samantha janay

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