March 16, 2012

samantha janay: jeep driver at heart

sexy sadie and i on the beach in south padre, 2010
i drove a jeep for about seven years and only recently became a normal-car driver.

for those of you that aren't jeep drivers, it's like automatically having a group of friends. jeep drivers wave to other jeep drivers, they always acknowledge each other, and heck, i even had a couple of people leave notes on my windshield about online jeep forums and meetups. i miss being in that cult and i miss being able to drive over anything at any given moment.

i love my new car, but nothing will ever compare to my green jeep i recently parted with. RIP big green/sexy sadie. (i thought he was a boy for a long time and called him big green, then one day came to the realization that she was, indeed, a girl, and quickly renamed her sexy sadie)

love love love,
samantha janay (& totota, my new car)

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