March 9, 2012

samantha janay: cousin

i have five cousins all very close in age to me. the six of us were always known as 'the little girls' to the rest of our family. most of our aunts, uncles, and cousins still refer to us as that, actually, even though the youngest of our bunch will turn 21 this year.

these are just photos too funny not to share. the top photo was taken (i think) somewhere around 1992...? maybe 1993? we decided to recreate it years later, sometime around 2004.

i actually get to see them this weekend in Dallas (most of them i think...) and I AM SO EXCITED!

cousins (top left to bottom right): Stephanie, Alyssa, Holly, Jessica, Chelsea

love love love,
samantha janay

1 comment:

  1. too cute! I believe I could probably add to your cousin-photos stash!

    It was really good to see you over the weekend.
    love, Aunt Christy
