May 7, 2012

photo a day may: 6th

i spent the day perusing Half Price Books and Barnes and Noble, and came out with these finds. i have so many books in my queue right now, i can't decide where to start! i attempted audio books on my Kindle, but failed. i can't really pay attention to someone reading me a story. 
i've decided to go back and re-read some books i had to study in high school. i liked them back then, but am pretty sure i'll love them now that someone isn't forcing me to read them. i can't wait for Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, A Separate Peace, and The Great Gatsby

Stephen King's most recent novel, 11/22/63 has really pushed me back into the swing of reading. it was easily the best story i've ever read and would recommend it to anyone. it's a doozy at 850 pages, but you'll get sucked in so easily it won't take long to read. i'm open to any and all book suggestions!

love love love,
samantha janay


  1. Loved 11/22/63. Makes me wanna go back in time and prevent some big event. Perhaps 80s music? :p

  2. it was SO GOOD. i literally read it in about 4 days because i couldn't stop. as soon as i finished i wanted to start again!
